Share Your Story

Share Your News

We aim to educate and inform stakeholders about the University's accomplishments and successes. Lincoln University’s reputation is based upon the quality of its graduates and its history and legacy as an HBCU. The University excels not only at producing well-prepared graduates but also at telling its own story. Tell your Lincoln story and you will build pride and motivate everyone to do more to achieve results.

Use this form to share news about

  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Alumni

Submit your news, along with your photo (high resolution preferred, 300 or more dpi).  Have a question? Email the Office of Communications & Public Relations at

Need to update your phone, email, address, or other contact information? Visit and click "login" on the left.

For alumni only.
Your Relationship to Lincoln University
Write this as you would like it to be published. Please provide complete information here. Be sure to be specific. Include full names, dates and any other pertinent information.
Files must be less than 1 MB. Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Photo Info: Tell us who is in the photo (and if you want the photographer to receive credit, let us know the photographer). In general, a photo caption should provide the reader basic information needed to understand a photograph and its relevance to the news.
Files must be less than 1 MB. Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Photo Info: Tell us who is in the photo (and if you want the photographer to receive credit, let us know the photographer).